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We Always Welcome New Patients!

      New Patient First Visit - What to Expect

At your first visit, you'll meet our friendly front office, Rosa or Viviana, who will make sure all your health history and new patient forms are filled out correctly and signed. And please let use know before your visit if you have a dental insurance policy you would like us to bill or if you are a cash patient, since we have a special discount plan for our patients without insurance. Once you are checked in, one of our licensed hygenists will take digital X-rays and photos of your teeth and ask if you have any dental concerns. Then, the hygenist will begin cleaning your teeth. The Doctor will then come in to meet you and discuss any dental problems and concerns you have. If needed, we will record and print our findings and you will leave with an easy to understand treatment plan.

Dr. Kaslow is particularly committed to the application of gentle, yet comprehensive, dental care. You will discover in your first visit when we clean your teeth that we use sonic and ultrasonic technology to remove tartar and plaque with water bursts and hand instruments. We use digital X-rays that deliver much less radiation than traditional X-rays. And we guarantee a comfortable and enjoyable visit!

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